Raven Pines Homestead

Cultivated carefully for your heirloom and hand pollinated seed needs. 

We aim at protecting and providing high quality heirloom plants and seeds, and prevent the extinction of various rarer heirloom plants, while maintaining a low waste, high self dependency lifestyle. 

About Us

Michael and Tabbetha Fómhar

Hi there! We are Michael and Tabbetha Fómhar and together we are Raven Pines Homestead and Seed. We have a passion in keeping rare heirloom plants from extinction. Michael has been passionate about horticulture and agriculture since the age of 14 and has extensively studied it, and has an incredible passion about the preservation and maintenance of heirlooms as well as creating his own cultivars. Tabbetha is more the business side of things with a passion for the outdoors and studies of anything wild. Joining us in our crazy adventure is our young daughter, who grows up in the craze of the homestead. We hope that you enjoy our services and stop back again soon!